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“Integrated WhatsApp Campaigns Boost Retail Conversion Rates” by Inside Retail Asia

Did you know that integrating WhatsApp into your retail marketing can dramatically increase conversion rates? Mr. Clarence Chan, Managing Consultant of Linkage and Mr. Burton Chau, General Manager of Sanuker have shared their insights in the article newly released by Inside Retail Asia.

According to Clarence, "WhatsApp is the most handy and responsive app that people are using daily. With our integration, retailers can use it as another touch point to reach their target customers." 

Burton added, "An integrated WhatsApp e-shop can be set up in a few days, then - just by making use of their existing customer contacts - a retailer can push the WhatsApp e-shop directly to the customer."

Want to learn how retailers can set up a full-fledged e-commerce experience within WhatsApp in as little as a week, and tap into the massive user base of this popular messaging app? 

Check out the full article here:


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